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Lobour Court Investigation

Lobour Court Investigation

The role of the Labour Court in dispute resolution is to act as a court of last resort Parties to trade disputes, or those involved in disputes arising in an employment rights context, should first seek resolution though local or State supported mediation resources, and should only request intervention by the Labour Court if these alternatives have been exhausted.Parties who are referred, or who make an appeal, to the Labour Court will be asked to attend a hearing where the details of their dispute are considered. The parties are each asked to make submissions setting out their position on the matter in dispute. Hearings are usually held in public, unless one of the parties requests a private hearing. All appeals under employment appeal enactments are conducted in public, subject to the right of the Court to conduct part of the hearing in private in exceptional circumstances.In most cases the Labour Court deals with disputes which are referred to it (the ways in which a dispute can be referred to the Court are described below); occasionally though, the Labour Court will intervene in an industrial relations dispute and invite the parties to come before it.

