27 Hour Service - 7 Days a Week E-mail : freelancerinvestigator@gmail.com


We are experts in forensic analysis and investigation. We use our expertise to solve various crimes involving

There are properties mortgaged with banks but un-fortunately the banks do not have Physical position of these

Investigating the computer history of the missing defaulter to identify the internet history and email records Verify

Surveillance means observing person to know his/her information. Most surveillance investigation is conducted by surveillance detectives, security

Profile verification is important for those who apply foreign jobs , In profile verification we verify full

We carry out physical verification of the candidate’s address, taking it with the ID proof they have

Document verification works by scanning all  official documents like bank statements, driving licenses , passports , education

Job Verification  Investigation is important before doing marriage or after marriage also if divorce . Sometime people

Character Verfication is  important  before job  and marriage . Character is most  important  feature  of  a person

Background Verfication is important  before  marraige , hiring empolyee and in other things  , it  help you

This  investigation helps you to take right decision about our marriage ( about bride & groom ) 

We help married people resolve their doubts about their spouses and gather evidence . We help to